Central Sterile Processing
The Central Sterile Processing curriculum is designed to prepare individuals for the field of Sterile Processing and Central Service Supply. Students will develop the skills necessary to properly disinfect, prepare, process, store, and issue both sterile and nonsterile supplies, instrumentation, and equipment for patient care. Additionally, students will learn to operate sterilizing units and monitor the effectiveness of the sterilization process.
The Cosmetology curriculum provides students with the competency-based knowledge, scientific/artistic principles, and hands-on fundamentals associated with the cosmetology industry. The curriculum provides a simulated salon environment that enables students to develop manipulative skills. Course work includes instruction in all phases of professional imaging, hair design, chemical processes, skin care, nail care, multi-cultural practices, business/computer principles, and product knowledge.
Dental Assisting
The Dental Assisting curriculum prepares individuals to assist the dentist in the delivery of dental treatment and to function as integral members of the dental team while performing chairside and related office and laboratory procedures. Becoming a dental assistant is more than acquiring the knowledge and developing the skills; it is about becoming a professional healthcare worker. Dental assisting is a career that requires dedication, personal responsibility, integrity, and a commitment to continuing education and community service.
Esthetics Technology
The Esthetics Technology curriculum provides students with the competency-based knowledge, scientific/artistic principles, and hands-on fundamentals associated with the art of skin care. The curriculum provides a simulated salon environment that enables students to develop manipulative skills. Course work includes instructions in all phases of professional Esthetics Technology, business/human relations, and product knowledge.
Health Information Technology
The Health Information Technology curriculum prepares students with the knowledge and skills to process, analyze, abstract, compile, maintain, manage, and report health information. Graduates of Davidson-Davie’s CAHIIM accredited Health Information Technology program are eligible to sit for the Registered Health Information Technician (RHIT) Exam.
Healthcare Interpreting
We will offer the Healthcare Interpreting Certificate over the next few semesters. This continuing education program consists of three courses: Medical Technology for Interpreters, Interpreting in a Healthcare Environment, and Cultural Health Habits. Completion of this certificate prepares students to test for both the National Board of Certification for Medical Interpreters (NBCMI) and the Certification Commission for Healthcare Interpreters (CCHI).
Medical Assisting
The Medical Assisting curriculum prepares students to become multi-skilled health care professionals qualified to perform administrative, clinical, and laboratory procedures. The goal of the Medical Assisting program is “to prepare competent entry-level medical assistants in the cognitive (knowledge), psychomotor (skills), and affective (behavior) learning domains.” (From the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs Standards and Guidelines for the Accreditation of Educational Programs in Medical Assisting, Std II.)
Medical Laboratory Technology
The Medical Laboratory Technology curriculum prepares students to perform clinical laboratory procedures in chemistry, hematology, microbiology, and immunohematology that are used in health maintenance and the diagnosis/treatment of disease. The mission of the Medical Laboratory Technology Program is to prepare students for successful employment as Medical Laboratory Technicians.
Nurse Aide
The Nurse Aide curriculum prepares students to work under the supervision of licensed nursing professionals in nursing care and services for persons of all ages. Topics include growth and development, personal care, vital signs, communication, nutrition, medical asepsis, therapeutic activities, accident and fire safety, household environment and equipment management, family resources and services, and employment skills.
Nursing | Associate Degree Nursing
Become a Registered Nurse (RN) Nursing is an integral part of the total health care system. It is a dynamic profession that offers multidimensional opportunities. Registered nurses coordinate client care, collaborating with other health care team members to plan, deliver and evaluate appropriate therapeutic interventions. Nurses help people reach their optimal health-wellness potential through prevention of disease, maintenance of health status, recovery from illness or injury and coping with existing health problems. Nurses may be employed in a variety of healthcare settings including hospitals, clinics, physician offices, long-term care facilities, industry and community settings.
Nursing | Practical Nurse Education
The Practical Nurse Education curriculum provides knowledge, skills, and strategies required to become a licensed practical nurse (LPN). Students practice in a dynamic environment. They learn to meet the individual needs that impact health, quality of life and achievement of potential. Students in the Practical Nurse Education program learn by participating in on-campus classes and labs during the evenings and weekends at our Davie Campus and clinical rotations in local healthcare agencies.
Nursing | RN to BSN Options
Davidson-Davie has articulation agreements with the area’s best BSN program schools, including The University of North Carolina system schools—UNC-Greensboro and North Carolina A&T. An articulation agreement is an official contract between two institutions that allows a student to apply credits earned in one school’s programs to achieve advanced standing, entry, or transfer into programs at the other school.
Pharmacy Technology
The Pharmacy Technology program prepares students to assist pharmacists in duties that a technician can legally perform while functioning within the prescribed boundaries of the pharmacist and the employment agency. Students prepare prescription medications, mix intravenous solutions and other specialized medications, update patient profiles, maintain inventories, package medications in unit-dose or med-card form, and gather data used by pharmacists to monitor drug therapy.
This course teaches students to obtain blood and other specimens for the purpose of laboratory analysis. Course work includes proper specimen collection and handling, communication skills, and patient data. Graduates find employment in hospitals, clinics, physicians’ offices, and other health care settings and may be eligible for national certification as phlebotomy technicians.
Social and Human Services
The Social and Human Services curriculum prepares students for entry-level positions in institutions and agencies that provide social, community and behavioral health services. Along with core courses, students take courses that prepare them for specialization in specific human service areas.
Surgical Technology
The Surgical Technology curriculum prepares students to assist in the care of surgical patients in the operating room and to function as a member of the surgical team. Students apply theoretical knowledge to the care of surgery patients and develop skills necessary to prepare supplies, equipment and instruments; maintain aseptic conditions; prepare patients for surgery; and assist surgeons during operations. Students must complete a minimum of 120 scrubbed surgical cases to complete the program in compliance with the Core Curriculum of Surgical Technology. Students are prepared for entry-level employment as Surgical Technologists upon graduation.
Therapeutic Massage
The Therapeutic Massage curriculum prepares students to work in direct client care settings. Students learn manipulation, methodical pressure, friction and kneading of the body for maintaining wellness or treating alterations in wellness . Courses include human anatomy and physiology, therapeutic massage, ethical/legal issues, business practices, nutrition, and psychology.