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Leadership in Supervision: Perspectives

Leadership in Supervision: Perspectives

Leadership in Supervision: Perspectives in Thinking O0647

This 2-day course provides the supervisor with the conceptual foundation and framework for success in leadership roles by exploring creative, analytical, political and critical thinking perspectives. The course addresses skills needed for assessing situations from multiple perspectives, making critical decisions, fostering creativity and innovation, and using persuasion.

The primary target audience for this course are those individuals who are at the first-line level of supervision. For purposes of student selection, first-line level is considered to be those at the Company Officer or Unit (fire prevention, fire education, communications, EMS, etc.) Supervisor level.

More specifically, primary selection criteria are as follows:

  • First-line supervisors in fire and EMS organizations.
  • Fire and EMS personnel due for promotion/appointment to a first-line supervisory position within 18 months.
  • Fire and EMS personnel who are regularly assigned acting supervisory positions.

The secondary target audiences are fire and EMS personnel at the first-line management level (Chief Officer or above). Students at this level may be given consideration on a space-available basis.

NOTE:  A National Fire Academy SID (student identification) number is required for all National

Fire Academy courses. Students must have SID number with them when attending NFA courses.

To obtain a SID:

  • Register at cdp.dhs.gov/femasid
  • Select “Need a FEMA SID”
  • Follow the instructions to create an account
  • Student will receive an email with SID. Student must bring number to class.

Contact Info: Dustin Gardner at Dustin_Gardner@DavidsonDavie.edu or 336-224-4809

Course Offerings:

Course Code: FIP-3518-1
Hours: 16
Location: Davidson Campus, Health Science Bldg., Room 204
Start Date: August 08, 2024
End Date: August 09, 2024
Time: 9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Days: Thursday, Friday