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Davidson County Student Awarded Study Abroad Scholarship

Davidson County Community College student Daa’Keya Williams recently received a Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship to participate in the Guatemala Study Abroad program this May. Sponsored by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the U.S. Department of State, the Gilman Scholarship Program is a competitive undergraduate grant program for U.S. students typically underrepresented in study abroad. The scholarship aims to develop a more globalized perspective in all students. To qualify for a Gilman award, community colleges students must be eligible to participate in a study abroad that last a minimum of two weeks.

A lifetime resident of Davidson County, Williams is earning her Associate of Science at DCCC with plans to transfer to Winston Salem State University to study Middle School Math and Science Education. She will participate this May in a two-week service learning experience that will include cultural immersion and language instruction in Sololá, Guatemala.

“I am most excited about helping children, but also the trip itself, traveling to a completely different country,” says Williams. “I’ve never been outside of the country. The entire learning process will be the most exciting part.”

Organized through a consortium of community college partners, Davidson County Community College will lead the program in its inaugural year and be joined by Central Piedmont Community College faculty and students. The development of this study abroad program was made possible through a Capacity Building Grant sponsored by the U.S. Department of State and Partners of the Americas.

Current students, alumni, and community members are welcome to participate in Travel Abroad at DCCC. For more information about Travel Abroad options at DCCC, please visit http://dccc-dev.helperstaging.com/travel-abroad or contact Suzanne LaVenture at slaventure@davidsondavie.edu.