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SBC Seminar: Conceptos básicos de retención de impuestos en España (en línea)

Este taller brindará a los participantes una mejor comprensión de los requisitos estatales de retención de impuestos al contratar a un nuevo empleado. Los participantes aprenderán sobre los conceptos básicos de la retención de impuestos estatales, cómo registrarse para una cuenta y cómo completar una declaración, además de discutir cuándo se requiere la retención para […]

Small Business Center Lunch and Learn Series

Lexington Visitor Center/Tourism Authority 2 N Main Street, Lexington

Lexington, Thomasville, and Davie County Chambers of Commerce will co-host these lunch-and-learn gatherings for learning and networking. Registration will be through Eventbrite through your local Chamber with information on where the meeting will take place. THIS EVENT WILL TAKE PLACE IN LEXINGTON! Come ready to learn something new and interact with small business owners you […]


Developing Leaders in Your Small Business

Is your business stagnating? Do you or your employees need motivation? A new level of success can be achieved by adjusting your mindset! L. Diane Wolfe delivers focused training on the five keys to success - a positive attitude, people skills, self-esteem, overcoming fears, and setting smart business goals. Small business owners looking to energize […]