Illegal or abusive use of drugs or alcohol can adversely affect the educational environment and prevent a person from achieving personal, social, and educational goals. The College has had a Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program for faculty, staff, and students that addresses substance abuse through education and, when appropriate, through referral or disciplinary action. The Drug Free Workplace Act of 1988, the Drug Free Schools and Communities Amendments of 1989, and the Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act of 1990 have established certain federal reporting and information distribution requirements designed to combat drug and alcohol abuse.
Sanctions Under Law
North Carolina has structured sentencing, with judges permitted to impose a sentence within a prescribed range, depending on the class of the offense, the number of prior convictions for the individual defendant, and whether there were aggravating or mitigating factors in the circumstances of the offense. The sentences below represent the maximum possible sentence under North Carolina law for possession and sale of the listed drugs:
- Sale of Amphetamine, Cocaine, GHB, Heroin, LSD, MDMA, Methamphetamine, Oxycodone, Opium, Psilocybin:
- 47 months imprisonment and fine
- Sale of anabolic steroids, barbiturates, marijuana:
- 47 months imprisonment and fine
- Possession of GHB, Heroin, LSD, MDMA, Psilocybin:
- 39 months imprisonment and fine
- Possession of more than 100 dosage units of anabolic steroids, barbiturates, Opium, Oxycodone:
- 24 months imprisonment and fine
- Possession of any amount of amphetamine, methamphetamine, or cocaine:
- 24 months imprisonment and fine
- Possession of marijuana:
- Less than ½ ounce – 20 days imprisonment and fine
- More than ½ ounce – 120 days imprisonment and fine
- More than 1 ½ ounces – 24 months imprisonment and fine
School Sanctions
The System shall, within the scope of applicable federal and state due process requirements, take such administrative or disciplinary action as is appropriate for violations of the Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Policy, DCCC Policy and applicable law. In the event that such violation is also a violation of federal, state, or local law, DCCC may decide to proceed or delay its own disciplinary processes.
Refer to the Student Code of Conduct
Refer to the Drug and Alcohol Policy in the Faculty and Staff Handbook, Section 3, Personnel Policies
Any visitor engaging in any act prohibited by this Policy shall be called on to immediately cease such behavior and shall be subject to other sanctions including referral to law enforcement officials for arrest and prosecution.