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NC Community College Performance Measures

The NC Community College System provides dashboards, including the State Performance Measures and other relevant and comparable data for all 58 community colleges. 

The NC Community College System’s performance measures include:

  • Basic Skills Student Progress
  • Student Success Rate in College-Level English Courses
  • First-Year Progression
  • Licensure and Certification Passing Rate
  • Student Success Rate in College-Level Math Courses
  • Curriculum Student Completion
  • College Transfer Performance

Davidson-Davie Performance Measure Charts

SACSCOC Performance Measures

In 2018, Davidson-Davie Community College chose the National Student Clearinghouse (NSC) Total Completion measure as its graduation rate indicator. NSC data provides an institution-level view of student completion rates benchmarked to the analysis published in their Completing College report series. The report provides a comprehensive overview of completion trends across the county and by state for 2-year public colleges. The completion rates include all students who enter postsecondary education for the first time each year, enrolling full-time or part-time at two-year institutions, and completing at any U.S. degree-granting institution. 

The threshold of acceptability for the 6-year Total Completion Rate is to meet or exceed the national average overall completion rate. Davidson-Davie’s goal for the 6-year Total Completion Rate is 50%. Below is the overall Davidson-Davie data compared with the national average. 

2015-16 DDCC
2015-16 National
2014-15 DDCC
2014-15 National
2013-14 DDCC
2013-14 National
2012-13 DDCC
2012-13 National
Overall Completion Rate

View the full table to see Davidson-Davie data disaggregated by various characteristics, compared to national benchmarks for other two-year institutions.

Strategic Enrollment Management Reports