Accessibility Services
Davidson-Davie Community College realizes that students with a disability or medical condition may need services and/or accommodations to participate in the academic programs at Davidson-Davie. If a student with a disability wishes to receive an accommodation, it is the responsibility of the student to disclose their disability to the Office of Accessibility Services and request an accommodation by completing the Accessibility Services Request Form. Students may elect to disclose a disability at any time, but we encourage students to contact the Office of Accessibility Services as soon as possible to ensure timely and appropriate accommodations.
The Office of Accessibility Services provides support services in curriculum, continuing education and pre-college courses.
Mission Statement
The Office of Accessibility Services facilitates equal access and opportunity for students with disabilities and serves as a resource for faculty and staff as they work with students who have disabilities. This mission is fulfilled by honoring the uniqueness of each student, assisting students in gaining access to resources and services they require in order to have the opportunity to be successful and aiding students to develop and practice self-advocacy skills. It is also fulfilled by consulting with our faculty and staff to provide support, as needed, to enhance their work with students who are differentially abled.
Student Rights & Responsibilities
The Office of Accessibility Services takes seriously its responsibility to protect and promote a positive learning environment at Davidson-Davie Community College, and all students are expected to adhere to the College’s Student Code of Conduct policies.

Demetria Nickens, MS
Demetria Nickens is a native of Winston-Salem, NC. She is a wife and mother, and overall family-oriented. She has two Bachelor of Arts degrees (one in Psychology, one in Sociology), and a Masters of Science in Counseling Psychology. Demetria is certified in Mental Health First Aid and is a certified Mental Health First Aid Instructor. She has over 7 years of experience working with individuals with various disabilities, including mental health challenges, and is excited to take on her new duties as Coordinator in the newly titled Office of Accessibility, Counseling, & Health.