Storm Food Pantry
The mission of the Storm Food pantry is to provide temporary food assistance to Davidson-Davie students at no cost. In addition to helping alleviate hunger within our student community, the Storm Food Pantry aims to decrease the impact that food insecurity has on the academic success of our students.
Who can use the Food Pantry?
Currently registered students with a valid Davidson-Davie ID may use the pantry. Students must bring a student ID when they visit the pantry, if you forget it, no worries, we’ll look you up in our database.
What kinds of food does the pantry offer?
Only non-perishable items are distributed. We also have a small selection of toiletries such as toothpaste, feminine pads, soap, shampoo, diapers, etc. Non-perishable food shelf life is according to local and national food banks.
Shelf Life of Food Bank Products
How will the food be distributed?
The pantry functions much like a grocery store. Food is stacked on shelves and users walk through the pantry and select the items they want based on a portioning guide. How much food depends on the number of people in the student’s family. A shopping assistant (volunteer) is available to guide you through the pantry as you make your selections. Since we only provide temporary assistance, we ask students to make an appointment with Single Stop at Davidson-Davie using Starfish or email at and connect to additional community resources to assist with food, medical, housing or childcare needs.
How often can a student use the pantry?
Students can use the pantry once a week during our current hours of operation or they can make an appointment using Starfish or email the Office of Student Life or Single Stop.
Additional Questions?
Food & Money Donations
Drop off food donations in the Office of Student Life, Brooks Student Center, 1st Floor
Hours of Operation
Davidson Campus (Brooks Student Center)
Monday – Friday | 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Davie Campus (Administration Building)
Monday – Friday | 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.