Our Services
- Academic advising and support
- College transfer tours
- Educational and cultural outings
- Financial literacy and FAFSA assistance
- Holistic workshops
- Leadership opportunities
- Referrals to other campus resources
- Scholarships (limited)
- Study abroad (limited)
Year One
Each semester you will meet with your program counselor twice and complete at least two program activities, workshop, group session, cultural trip/event or a college transfer trip.
Continued Years
You will complete one of the following options each semester:
(a) Meet with your counselor once per semester and complete at least one program activity per semester.
(b) Meet with your program counselor for two counseling sessions per semester.
Counseling sessions are a very important part of the services offered in the TRIO Student Support Services. Counseling discussions are held individually and occasionally in a group setting. Many of the program students are experiencing college life for the first time. Special efforts to encourage, inspire, and strengthen student’s academic performance is a high priority for the counseling staff. To schedule a counseling session, email us at TRIO@davidsondavie.edu or call us at 336.249.8186, ext. 6212.