What is Title IX?
Who Can Make a Title IX Report?
The Title IX Coordinator ensures that Davidson-Davie Community College is in compliance with federal Title IX regulations. Any person may report sex discrimination, including sexual harassment to the Title IX Coordinator at any time in person, by mail, by telephone, by electronic mail, or by using the link to the reporting form below. A confidential report may be made to the Campus Nurse, Kendra Benson, or the Campus Counselor, Electre Turner.
What Protections Do I Have if I am a Pregnant or Parenting Student?
Title IX regulations offer pregnant and parenting students protections consistent with the protections offered to students with a temporary medical condition. Students who anticipate that they may require accommodations related to pregnancy or parenting may work collaboratively with the Title IX Coordinator, Disability Access Services, and their Medical Provider to create a support plan. The first step is to meet with the Title IX Coordinator to discuss protections under Title IX.
What Happens After a Report Has Been Made?
The Title IX Coordinator meets with the complainant (the person who has allegedly experienced a Title IX policy violation) and the respondent (the person identified as responsible for the alleged Title IX policy violation). Both the complainant and respondent are offered supportive measures. An investigation is conducted via formal or informal processes. For more information about these processes, see Policies and Procedures.