Title IX – Your Rights
If you are in danger, call 911. You can receive medical care at any medical facility.
If you or someone you know has experienced dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking, Davidson-Davie Community College is here to help. You have the right to live, learn, and/or work in a safe and welcoming environment. Violence is unacceptable, and our policy prohibits dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking (DVSAS). This document outlines steps to take depending on what services you want or need. Dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking, are significant experiences and can be traumatizing. Each person’s experience is unique and numerous options are available for support and reporting at Davidson-Davie Community College. It is important to note there is no one correct response — simply different options to access support and different reporting options. Your immediate and long-term safety is what’s most important. The resources and options on this sheet may be helpful as you decide what next steps are a good fit for you.
Preservation of Evidence: It is important to preserve evidence that may be useful in obtaining a protection order or in proceeding with a criminal investigation or a disciplinary process should you choose to do so. A forensic exam will help you preserve evidence. Completing a forensic exam does not require you to file a police report or report to the institution, although we encourage these reports if you are comfortable doing so. To preserve evidence, it is recommended you do not bathe, douche, smoke, use the toilet or clean the location where the incident occurred. Save items you were wearing, sheets, or towels in a paper bag. Text messages, records of phone calls, emails, pictures, notes, and gifts can all be pertinent for a report of dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking.
There are a wide range of emotions you may experience over the coming days, weeks, months, or years after experiencing trauma. It may be helpful to address these emotions with a trained counselor.
Possible physical effects may include:
- Pain and soreness
- Injuries, Nausea
- Vomiting
- Headaches
- Panic attacks
- Sleep pattern disturbances
- Insomnia or sleeping more than usual
- Loss of appetite or change in eating habits (overeating or under-eating, etc.)
Possible psychological and/or emotional effects may include:
- Impaired memory
- Shock, Denial
- Irritability and anger
- Sadness and grief
- Social withdrawal
- Apathy (detachment, loss of caring)
- Hypervigilance (always on guard)
- Sleep disturbance (including nightmares)
- Flashbacks
- Difficulty concentrating
- Loss of trust in self or others
- Guilt, shame or embarrassment
- Thoughts of suicide or death
- Diminished interest in activities or sex
- Increased interest in sexual activity
Confidential Reporting
You may want to talk to someone confidentially as you decide what you’d like to do moving forward.
The following campus resources are available for counseling, information, and support.
Campus Nurse
Crystal Swink, RN
336.249.8186, ext. 6111
Love Resource Center, Suite 206
Non-Confidential Reporting
The following resources can help you pursue legal and disciplinary action.
Title IX Coordinator, Keisha Jones
336.224.4516 titleix@davidsondavie.edu
Brooks 204
Davidson Campus Resource Officer
Matt Snider
Davie Campus Resource Officer
Justin Love